mardi 6 avril 2010

Psychic Lego

I'm always complaining that I don't have any real friends, that I'm no longer part of a group, whether in life in general or for music... and I've been acting for a year or two now under masks, assumed names, fictitious characters... well, I've "decided", since I'm publicly presenting my Hjärna project as a "collective" (with Delwiche in the only photo, by the way, it serves him right, he's nothing but a fictional character in my imagination now, perhaps he was never anything else, like Florence), I've decided that the other members will be my childhood friends Jacques, Charles and others. I'm going to use photos of us as kids for the web pages and any record sleeves. This is as much an aesthetic peculiarity as a necessity, since I don't have any recent photos, except for Charles, for whom I've opened a fake blog, where I've published some texts I haven't known what to do with for a year. I'll speak for all of them. I'd turn our childhood memories into an artistic manifesto.

Once again, things fall into place on their own, little by little, you just have to wait.

Of course, it won't interest anyone as "news", it's all about me. It's a kind of parallel life that I'm building little by little. Life as it could have been, or should have been. I don't know if it'll make me happy, but at least it excites me a little, and if one day it results in a "work" that makes sense, it won't all be a failure..

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