mercredi 12 août 2009

Sonic mess

I was playing around with Forester software at Laurence's place this weekend – a Max / MSP application that makes a sonic mess out of the sounds you load into it. I wanted to do something minimalist, ultra-repetitive, hypnotic, ambient, with sounds taken from house music. A la Gas and Biosphere. And strangely enough, I succeeded. It'll probably be pretty boring for anyone to listen to – although I intend to liven it up with a variety of sounds, maybe even some guitar, a few vocals, etc – but it's one of the few things I've made in a long time that I'm excited about. Moral of the story: I'm right to have decided to stop all this "making music that's thought-out, considered, controlled" crap, etc. All these "concepts". All those "concepts". These plans, these declarations of intent, these programs. Impotent things. The only things that count are chance and inspiration, enthusiasm, dazzlement and fun. We'll intellectualize afterwards, to make ourselves look good and impress the idiots.

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