samedi 20 juillet 2019

Alain Massoumipour [english]

I chatted on Facebook, a year or two ago, with one of the authors of Omeyad, whom I was supposed to interview. Various circumstances prevented that from happening. I also recently found, in my old e-mail, a few words I'd exchanged with one of the authors of La Secte Noire.

So I thought, "Why not interview good old Poum" for Poum, alias Alain Massoumipour, took part in at least two text-based games on the CPC: Évasion, which was never marketed, and the mythical L'Île. In the pages of Amstrad Cent Pour Cent magazine, he also wrote a lot about what were known as “adventure games”, the slightly simplified, graphically enhanced version of English-language interactive fiction such as Zork (even though the CPC catalog offered a few real F.I. games to parse).

I owe my passion for this genre to his column, and ultimately the very existence of this blog and my own games.

So why not interview good old Poum, except that he left us... last month. Of a long illness, as the saying goes. I found out about it on the Amstrad Cent Pour Cent FB page.

An interview with him, on CPC Rulez :

What more can I say? It's a little piece of my childhood that's gone, which is a rather relative tragedy compared to the death of a husband, father or brother, of course. But it's a little piece of my childhood that's going. Thank you Poum.

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